MA-INF 1304 Seminar Geometric Distance Problems


You can contact Elmar Langetepe if you are interested. There will also be a kick-off meeting announced soon.


The kick-off meeting for the seminar will take place on Tuesday October 23rd at 15:00 room 2.007. Presentations have to be done in two blocks, dates see below. The task is as follows:

  • Studying a scientific paper (Topics below)
  • Presentation in a talk (30 Minutes, dates below)
  • Written report (in own words) 10 pages
ModuleMA-INF 1315
Degree programMaster, 2nd semester
AdvisorProf. Dr. Rolf Klein
AdvisorPD Dr. Elmar Langetepe
Dates TBA Two blocks at the end of the semester


This semester we offer a seminar for up to 7 participants. Our topics comprise

  • discrete and computational geometry
  • motion planning
  • online algorithms

Topics of this semester

Some examples that will be roughly presented at the kick-off meeting

1. Searching in Trees for one of many goals
2. Fire-Fighting in Trees is hard
3. Online Graph Exploration
4. Evolutionary Algorithms and Theory
5. VC Dimension for visibility (different aspects) [cannot be downloaded]

lehre/ws1819/seminar_geometric_distance_problems.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/10/16 10:12 von langetepe
