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MA-INF 1304 Seminar Geometric Distance Problems


You can contact Elmar Langetepe if you are interested. There will also be a kick-off meeting announced soon.


The kick-off meeting for the seminar will take place on Tuesday October 23rd at 15:00 room 2.007. Presentations have to be done in two blocks, dates see below. The task is as follows:

  • Studying a scientific paper (Topics below)
  • Presentation in a talk (30 Minutes, dates below)
  • Written report (in own words) 10 pages
ModuleMA-INF 1315
Degree programMaster, 2nd semester
AdvisorProf. Dr. Rolf Klein
AdvisorPD Dr. Elmar Langetepe
AdvisorDr. Herman Haverkort
Dates TBA Two blocks at the end of the semester


This semester we offer a seminar for up to 7 participants. Our topics comprise

  • discrete and computational geometry
  • motion planning
  • online algorithms

Topics of this semester

Some examples that will be roughly presented at the kick-off meeting

1. Searching in Trees for one of many goals
2. Fire-Fighting in Trees is hard
3. Online Graph Exploration
4. Evolutionary Algorithms and Theory
5. VC Dimension for visibility (different aspects) [cannot be downloaded]

lehre/ws1819/seminar_geometric_distance_problems.1539677529.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/10/16 10:12 von langetepe
