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MA-INF 1203 Discrete and Computational Geometry


What When Where Start ECTS Lecturer and Tutor
Lecture Tuesday 10:15 - 11:45
Thursday 10:15 - 11:45
Informatikzentrum / 2.078 10. April 2018 5,5 PD Dr. Elmar Langetepe
Exercises Tuesday 12:15 - 13:45
Thursday 12:15 - 13:45
Informatikzentrum / 2.078 17. April 2018 3,5 Raoul Nicolodi

Example questions for the oral exam

examplequestionsoralexam.pdf (Example questions!)

Offer of another questionary on Thursday July 18th 10:15: Please send questions by E-Mail, if any!


There is a hand-written manuscript given as a main source of the lecture. Here you can find a scan of it.

Exercise Sheets

There will be an exercise sheet on the topics every week. You can reach in your solutions and they will be evaluated by the tutor.

  • exercises1.pdf (Sheet 1: Dilation, due Tuesday April 17th)
  • exercises2.pdf (Sheet 2: Chan's randomized method, due Tuesday April 24th)
  • exercises3.pdf (Sheet 3: Application Minkowskis Theorem, due Thursday May 3rd)
  • exercises4.pdf (Sheet 4: WSPD Construction, due Thursday May 10th)
  • exercises5.pdf (Sheet 5: WSPD Application, due Thursday June 7th)
  • exercises6.pdf (Sheet 6: Brunn Minkowski inequality, due Thursday June 14th)
  • exercises7.pdf (Sheet 7: VC Dimension, due Thursday June 21st)
  • exercises8.pdf (Sheet 8: VC Dimension, Shatter Function due Thursday June 28th)
  • exercises9.pdf (Sheet 9: Epsilon Net, Random variables due Thursday July 5th)
  • exercises10.pdf (Sheet 10: Trapezoidal decomposition due Thursday July 12th)
lehre/ss18/discrete-computational-geometry.1531486065.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/07/13 14:47 von langetepe
