Seminar Advanced Algorithms: Clustering

General Information

When Where Start CP Lecturer
Sem2 Wednesday, 10:15 - 11:45 LBH / E.08 October 16 4 Aretz, Röglin


In this seminar we will discuss results and open questions from the current research on center based clustering algorithms. We will particularly pay attention to the k-means method, which is one of the most frequently used clustering techniques. As preparation we strongly recommend all participants to read the survey by Awasthi and Balcan [AB13].

Every participant is asked to present the results of one of the following papers. Feel free to contact us, if you already want to start working on some specific topic.

On October 16, 10:15 we will have a preliminary meeting in which the remaining topics will be assigned and all organizational questions will be discussed. Further topics will be added if needed. If you plan to attend the seminar please let us know in advance by email.

Date Topic Material Status
December 11 How fast is the K-Means Method? [HS05]assigned
December 18 K-Means++: The Advantages of Careful Seeding. [AV07]assigned
January 08 A Local Search Approximation Algorithm for K-Means Clustering. [KMNPSW04]assigned
January 15 The Effectiveness of Lloyd-type Methods for the K-Means Problem. [ORSS12]available
December 22 Clustering under Approximation Stability. [BBG13]available



en/lehre/ws1314/seminar-advanced-algorithms-clustering.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2014/03/31 12:44 von demir
